What Is Reiki?

“Reiki” (pronounced ray-key) is a system of natural healing founded in Japan, by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s which continued to evolve through his research, experience and dedication. This gentle hands on technique aids the flow of energy pathways through your body and helps stress reduction and relaxation, whilst also promoting self-healing. Reiki is not affiliated with any religion and is classed as a holistic therapy, aiming to treat the person as a whole rather than targeting specific symptoms.

What Happens During a Reiki Treatment? 

*Due to Covid restrictions, please wear a mask to your appointment *
At your first session, you will be asked to fill out intake and consent forms whilst the practitioner explains briefly what the treatment involves. As there is no massage or manipulation in a pure Reiki session, you will not be asked to remove any clothing other than any items which may restrict your comfort, such as your coat and shoes.
 Once you are ready, you will be asked to lie on a therapy bed or sit on a chair with your eyes closed. The practitioner gently places their hands on or above you at certain points along the body. These link in with the body's chakra system, (crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root). You may notice sensations such as heat, tingling or coolness under the practitioner's hands as they move through the positions. This technique connects with the energy in your body and helps it to flow more freely. Every session is unique to the client and clients are often surprised at how their own sessions differ. This is because your body's response is dependent on what it needs during each session.
Just as you wouldn't expect to become fit from a single exercise session, longer lasting results occur after 3 to 6 Reiki treatments. Relaxing music is played and aromatherapy candles can be used in the room to help enhance the experience. Essential oils and crystals can be used depending on your preferences. Once complete, any feedback, aftercare and treatment plans will be discussed. The important thing to remember is that Reiki will empower you and help you claim responsibility for your own self healing. Sessions normally last about an hour.

Is Reiki Suitable for Me?

Reiki is a safe and gentle holistic therapy. It can be used alongside conventional and/or other complementary treatments often helping to provide emotional support during recovery. Many hospices are including Reiki as a complementary therapy to help improve patients and carers feelings of wellbeing. However, it is important to remember that you should continue with any current medical care and a Reiki practitioner will not offer any diagnosis. If you are concerned about particular ongoing symptoms, please speak to your GP.

Want to learn Reiki?

Anyone can learn Reiki, whether it's purely for your own self healing or with a view to become a Reiki Practitioner. It is a beautiful self healing tool starting at level 1. When you are ready, you can progress through the levels, whether you want to become a practitioner yourself or just to deepen your own understanding and connection to the Reiki energy.
As a UK Reiki Federation registered Master Teacher and an IPHM approved provider, I run courses for Reiki Levels 1, 2 and Masters.
Reiki 1 courses are run over 2 days. This engaging practical course is suitable for absolute beginners and will allow you to practice on yourself, friends and family.
You'll learn about the history of Reiki, be introduced to the body's energy system and become familiar with the 5 Reiki principles. You'll receive 4 ceremonial attunements to help you ground and tune into this wonderful energy. I will guide you through the importance of self-healing and show you how to perform the basic treatments following the Three Pillars of Reiki.
Want to go deeper? 
Once you have completed Level 1, you can progress to level 2 and become a Reiki Practitioner, so that you can work or volunteer with the public. This level offers the opportunity to deepen your connection and understanding of Reiki energy, intent and intuition. You'll receive 2 further attunements to connect you to the beautiful wisdom of the Reiki Symbols. You'll learn further advanced techniques and how to perform distance treatments.
For the truly dedicated, after completing Level 2, you can become a Reiki Master by taking Level 3, which is split into two parts, Reiki Master Practitioner and Reiki Master Teacher. This requires further learning and observations, get in touch for more info.
All courses include a certificate of learning, a guidebook and continued support following completion. 
These courses follow the standards set out in the Core Curriculum  for Reiki. If you would like to find out more about course dates and prices please contact via email: emma@reikiempowered.co.uk 


Reiki Empowered Hypnotherapy 

Reiki Master Teacher
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Life Coach
Massage Therapist qualified in Aromatherapy
Crystal Healing Therapist
Energy Worker
Trained in EFT and aspects of NLP

Let me introduce myself...
My name is Emma Power. I am registered with the UK Reiki Federation, The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council, The General  Hypnotherapy Register. I am passionate about developing a truly holistic approach to therapy, that is tailor made and empowers my clients to take responsibility for making lasting positive change.
Along with my sessions and courses at Gee Cross, I am also a volunteer with the Reiki Medic-Care programme, which offers free distance sessions to stressed out medics and NHS workers.
Reiki treatments can be combined with massage, aromatherapy, crystals, visualisation, EFT and guided hypnosis.
See my treatment list for further details.
Want to learn Reiki? Get in touch for the latest information on course dates. I hope that the information on this site raises your interest!
Further information about Reiki can be found on www.reikifed.co.uk 
However, the best way to understand Reiki is to try a session yourself. It will always work for your highest good, so go on, treat yourself!
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